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Part-Time Fees and Payments


All course fees must be paid at the time of enrolment, or arrangements should be put in place to pay by instalments (see below). The full fee includes tuition, registration and examination fees, where relevant. Depending on your circumstances you may be entitled to a reduced (concessionary) fee. Reduced fees are applied to the cost of tuition only.

Please note, failure to enrol before the Awarding Body deadline may result in you incurring a late fee.

Tuition and Exam/Registration Fees

The tuition fee covers the cost of delivering the course. The exam/registration fee is collected by the College and passed onto the awarding body for your qualification. It covers examination, assessment and certification costs.

Exam/ registration fees, if applicable to your course, are payable at time of enrolment, unless you qualify for an instalment plan. Please contact the College before you enrol if you have any queries. For itemised costs visit our course pages or call 028 7127 6000.

Material Fees

Some courses may have additional fees for materials, uniform, kit and other items. Your tutor will provide details of these. Please refer to our course pages for more information.

Resit Fees

You will also be liable for any resit fees. If applicable, these will be notified to you by your course tutor and must be paid by the relevant deadline.

Fee Refunds

Course fees are non-refundable except when a course is cancelled by the College due to insufficient enrolments. In this case, students will be entitled to a full refund.

Please note, once registered some Awarding Bodies do not offer refunds. If you have any queries regarding the refund of entry or registration fees please contact our Examinations team

Fees Paid By An Employer

If your employer is paying for your course a Certificate of Payment of Fees (Employer to Pay) form must be completed and presented at time of enrolment. Alternatively, employers can sign and stamp the enrolment/examination registration forms. An invoice will then be issued to the employer/sponsor for relevant fees.

If you are a business owner or an employee of a company with less than 250 employees you may be able to avail of 100% Department for the Economy (DfE) Skills Focus funding. To find out more

Instalment Plan

Courses with a total fee in excess of £200 can be paid in instalments. You may pay a deposit and the required balance in instalments as outlined in the table below.

To avail of this you must enrol on a course on or before 4th October 2024. For courses commencing in January / February 2025 you must enrol by 31st January 2025.

Instalments must be set-up via Direct Debit. Payments will be debited on or about the 5th of each month, commencing the month after enrolment.

Full Fee Minimum Deposit Payable Maximum Number of Instalments Minimum Monthly Direct Debit
Less than or equal to £200 Full fee payable Full fee payable Full fee payable
£201 - £400 £100 3 £50
More than £400 25% 4 £50

Further Education (FE) Award

If you are in receipt of an FE Grant from Education Authority, a copy of your award letter from the Education Authority must be submitted at the time of enrolment. Funding from the Education Authority closes at the end of December. Any enrolments after this date will not be considered and you will be liable for the full cost of tuition/examination fees.

Unpaid Fees

Failure to pay the required tuition fees may result in one or more of the following:

  • You may be withdrawn from your course
  • You may not be able to sit exams for any NWRC course you are enrolled on
  • You may not be able to access any College facilities or our computer network
  • You may not be able to progress to the next year of your course or enrol on an alternative NWRC course.
  • Your name will not be included on any pass or graduation list

Reduced Fees (Concessionary)

Many of our Part-Time courses are offered at a 60% discount for selected individuals. Concessions are applied to course tuition only. Excludes examination and other costs included in the overall course fee.

Depending on your personal circumstances you may be eligible for a reduced tuition fee. If you qualify you MUST provide the necessary evidence detailed below opposite at the time of enrolment, (i.e. current letter or proof of date of birth) OR a completed Authorisation form signed by your local Benefits Office.

UK Students

People Entitled to Reduced Fees Evidence Required
Over 19 years of age on 1st July of the current academic year who are in full-time Further or Higher Education Current Student Card or Letter from School/College and appropriate fee.
Aged 16 or above, and under 19 years of age Birth Certificate or Passport and appropriate fee.
Working Tax Credit - Total single income (16-29 hours) £11,048; Total single income (30 hours) - £12,980; Total joint income (30 hours) - £17,787 A current TC602 form stating Working Tax Credit and total income shown and appropriate fee. Please note, a provisional TC602 form is not accepted as evidence for a reduced (concessionary) fee.
Aged 60 Years and over and in receipt of one of the benefits opposite. A current letter (dated within the last three months) stating that you are in receipt of Pension Credit or in receipt of relief under the new Rates Relief Scheme.
Income Support (or dependent spouse/partner; Income Based Jobseekers Allowance (or dependent spouse/partner); Income Based Employment Support Allowance A current letter (dated within the last three months) from your Benefit Office stating that you are in receipt of benefit; OR have the Authorisation form completed and authorised with appropriate fee enclosed.
Universal Credit - The Working Tax Credit income threshold will apply to those in receipt of Universal Credit and who are working. A current statement / print out (within last three months) of your Universal Credit Statement.

Difficulty Paying Fees

You may be entitled to a reduced fee or extra support in paying the tuition fee for your chosen course. To find out what support you could be entitled to contact:

Alternatively, you can contact your local campus directly:

  • Derry-Londonderry: (028) 7127 6010 / (028) 7127 6033
  • Limavady: (028) 7127 8770
  • Strabane: (028) 7127 6033

ROI Students

People Entitled to Reduced Fees Evidence Required
Over 19 years of age on 1st July of the current academic year who are in full-time Further or Higher Education Current Student Card or Letter from School/College and appropriate fee.
Aged 16 or above, and under 19 years of age on 1st July of current year Birth Certificate or Passport and appropriate fee.
Carer’s Allowance; One-Parent Family Payment; Widow’s or Widower’s (Non-Contributory) Pension; Unemployment Assistance; Jobseekers Allowance / Unemployment Assistance; Pre-Retirement Allowance (PRETA); Disability Allowance; Supplementary Welfare Allowance A current letter (dated within the last three months) from the Department of Social and Family Affairs stating that you are in receipt of benefit; OR have the Authorisation Form completed and authorised with appropriate fee enclosed.
State Pension (Non-Contributory) Letter (dated within the last three months) from Pensions Office and appropriate fee.

Student Finance Self-Assessment

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Please answer the series of questions about your residency, age and course of choice to determine the correct student funding package for your circumstances

What is your age on 1 July of the year you wish to start your course?
Are you a resident of
Are you doing a Part Time or a Full Time course

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